Following an enquiry, you will be sent an initial screening form which we ask you complete and email back, you are then free to book an initial screening appointment. This appointment takes place online and is a good place to start to discuss what has motivated you to reach out. We can meet one another, explore options and discuss your hopes. We also determine how likely it is that you are displaying symptoms of ADHD before you commit to a full diagnostic assessment. We aim to offer an initial screening appointment within one week of your initial enquiry, so long as your personal availability allows.
Following an initial screening appointment this diagnostic assessment appointment allows a full history taking and ADHD interview. This appointment uses the DIVA diagnosis interview for ADHD and is compliant with NICE guidelines. You will be offered feedback and exploration of symptoms and a comprehensive diagnostic letter will be sent to you and your GP (with your consent). This appointment can take anywhere between 1-3 hours and typically lasts 90 minutes. It can be split over two appointments if preferred. We aim to offer a diagnostic assessment appointment within two weeks of your initial screening, so long as your personal availability allows.
Initiating treatment is fully personalised and individual, a 60-minute appointment is offered post diagnosis to explore treatment options. These may include medication, psychological (talking) therapy, physical health checks prior to initiation of ADHD medication, support with educational providers and access to work or any other identified signposting.
A follow up appointment is required annually if you are prescribed ADHD medication from the Neurodiverse Nurse. You will also require a follow-up up appointment when you start (initial titration) ADHD medication or when any changes are made to your dose of medication. The appointment includes a review of how you are responding to treatment and any letters that need to be written and sent updating your GP. We also monitor physical health and side effects and revise any treatment plans as part of these appointments. If you are starting medication, it is essential you have follow up appointments and the average person requires 3 appointments when starting on ADHD medication.